(This post is a reproduction from Change(b)Log.)
Localization project for xllmnrd is now open on Transifex. Your contribution is welcome.
(This post is a reproduction from Change(b)Log.)
Localization project for xllmnrd is now open on Transifex. Your contribution is welcome.
(This post is a reproduction from Change(b)Log.)
The client code for the Mercurial command server was pushed to Bitbucket today. The original implementation that has created a child process for each Mercurial command will soon be rewritten using the new code.
(This post is a reproduction from Change(b)Log.)
The first milestone 1.0m1 has been tagged as release-1.0m1 on the repository.
Milestone 1.0m1 implements the following functions:
The next milestone will be 1.0m2, in which I hope very minimal Mercurial functions would be integrated in the IDE.
Link: kazssym / hgbds — Bitbucket.
(This post is a reproduction from Change(b)Log.)
I just started writing a Mercurial client for Embarcadero RAD Studio. Its public repository is hosted at Bitbucket. It is not functional yet but if you are interested, stay tuned 🙂